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Towards the heliogenic civilisation | Thomas Schindler | TEDxBerlinSalon

Could we - humanity - tap into the power of the most successful economy on our planet - nature - and ...View More

Ice cubes or icecaps? | Luca Waugh | TEDxYouth@EB

Ice cubes or icecaps? Next time you order your water with ice, think twice about its energy footprin ...View More

Eco-resiliency: how to face environmental challenges | Timo Granzotti | TEDxURI

Relationships are what connect us. To design a resilient future, biodiversity can be our goal, and o ...View More

Let the worms eat your organic waste

Wanna contribute to a more sustainable future? David Witzeneder introduces an at-home system that ca ...View More

Using Indigenous Knowledge for Conservation | Madegowda C | TEDxMAHE Bengaluru

What happens when indigenous communities who've lived in coexistence with forests and wildlife becom ...View More


This topic shared immense interest knowing the life cycle and different varieties of spiders . His s ...View More

Le biomimétisme et l'écoconception au service de la résilience | Robin ALAUZE | TEDxIAEMontpellier

Au fil du temps, les Hommes ont imposé leur empreinte sur les littoraux, façonnant les paysages et a ...View More

.Los ecosistemas; su rol en el cambio climático | Roberto Rodríguez | TEDxColegioAmericanoXalapa

This talk was part of TEDx@ColegioAmericanoXalapa, a Countdown event organized by our community memb ...View More

Entendiendo la crisis climática | Ornela Gasperín | TEDxColegioAmericanoXalapa

This talk was part of TEDx@ColegioAmericanoXalapa, a Countdown event organized by our community memb ...View More

Gatos | Mariana Duarte | TEDxColegioAmericanoXalapa

This talk was part of TEDx@ColegioAmericanoXalapa, a Countdown event organized by our community memb ...View More

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